A Guide to Cynosure® TempSure® Envi

A Guide to Cynosure® TempSure® Envi

If you suffer from dry eye, talk to your doctor about TempSure® Envi treatment. Most people with dry eye have meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). This is a condition where tear glands become blocked.

TempSure Envi is a secure, effective, and comfortable way to unblock clogged tear ducts. Apart from relieving your eye condition, it can tighten loose skin around the eyes. It reduces fine lines around the eye area. 

Cynosure TempSure Envi

TempSure Envi uses radiofrequency energy to produce gentle and comfortable heat. Raising the skin temperature generates collagen production, which lessens the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines.

Blocked oil glands can lead to atrophy, lid laxity (droopy eyelids), dry eye, and ocular surface disease. Worsening of the condition can affect vision. When used on the skin around the tear ducts, the radiofrequency treatment reduces dry eyes by opening blocked tear glands. 

Safe, Noninvasive Treatment 

TempSure Envi is a safe and effective way to treat dry eye. The noninvasive technique helps reduce the need for medications and other invasive treatments. The oil-producing meibomian glands are found along the eyelids.

Oil is a vital component for healthy tears, so when the glands are blocked, it results in inadequate or poor-quality tears. It causes the eyes to become dry and irritated. TempSure Envi produces long-lasting relief for people with dry eye syndrome. 

During TempSure Envi Treatment

Most patients report experiencing a gentle warmth during the treatment. By gently delivering heat, the radiofrequency energy triggers natural collagen production. The procedure is painless, but you can expect slight redness in the area immediately after treatment.

The redness diminishes quickly following treatment, leaving you with a smooth, healthy-looking appearance. The procedure lasts 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the treatment area. There is no downtime after TempSure Envi treatment; you can return to work immediately. 

Candidates for TempSure Envi

TempSure Envi treatment is ideal for all skin types and skin tones. Everyone can be a candidate. People with different levels of sun exposure can benefit from the treatment. Those with wrinkles, skin laxity, and under-eye bags are good candidates for the treatment. The new collagen fibers are dense and tight, resulting in youthful-looking, beautiful skin. Patients with dry eye resulting from meibomian gland dysfunction can find relief.

Frequency of Treatment 

Patients require multiple TempSure Envi treatments to experience desired results. Whether you have dry eye or loose skin, you will need a series of treatments over several weeks or months. Your condition will determine the number of treatments you require. The doctor will assess your eye or skin condition to create a customized treatment plan. You will need regular maintenance sessions for long-term results.

TempSure Envi has been designed with comfort in mind. The temperature-controlled device helps ensure appropriate energy is achieved for optimal results. You can expect to see results immediately after treatment. Talk to your doctor about treatment if you suffer from dry eye syndrome or blepharitis. Most patients find the treatment comfortable.

For more on a guide to Cynosure TempSure Envi, visit Seaside Eyecare Optometry at our office in San Clemente, California. Call (949) 493-2269 to book an appointment today.

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